Words of Wisdom for my College Freshman Daughter

So my baby , you are officially a college student.

IMG_6910.jpgAt this point, all I can do is pray that your dad and I taught you well and set you free..
It also means my time here sharing my “words of wisdom” is just about done and,although I meant each and every word I ever said to you and can assure you that I poured every ounce of thought and emotion into my “teachings”..well, you’re officially an “adult” and you will be living in AUSTIN.(Hook, ‘em). so it’s time to get real.. I think you’re ready and can handle the truth..
This is what I REALLY want you to know..
My FINAL WORDS OF WISDOM as my baby goes off to COLLEGE:
First and MOST IMPORTANTLY: If you see Mathew McConaughey, TAKE A PICTURE.. I don’t care if you have to trample people, miss class, or look like a crazy fool.. you get that picture.. then you tell him your mom loves him.  IMG_2608.jpg
Now that THAT is out of the way, here is what I really want you to know..
* Play in traffic. You still want to look both ways and make sure a big old truck isn’t coming, but don’t spend your life on the side of the road. A little traffic play will do you good. (within reason!)
* Go ahead and count those chickens before they hatch. If not, you’ll live expecting that they may not. Expect them to hatch, all of them. And if the      time should arise when they don’t, well that’s ok, too.. just move on to the next plan..
* Don’t make wardrobe decisions based on the possibility that you may get into an accident, but do wear clean underwear. Everyday. Please.
* Honesty is not always the best policy. In some situations telling a lie is just the right thing to do. The secret to maturity is in knowing when.
* Do not keep your enemies closer. Who wants close enemies? Keep your friends closer..
* The grass is not always greener. On the contrary, it’s the weeds, mud, and dried patches that make us who we are. But do take the time to “water”, in other words, take time out to be with no one else but your thoughts to reflect and pray. A little “me time” is good for the soul… seize the opportunity every chance you get.
* Never, ever, ever wear cheap make up. Cute eye shadows and lip glosses are fine, but not make up..(it’ll clog your pores and make you break out – and your face will need to be fresh for that pic with Matt). Wait till you get home and mom will spring for the good stuff. Same goes for shoes.. last thing you want is achy feet.
* It’s not all about what’s inside. Looks matter. I’m not talking about some classic idea of beauty, I’m talking about the way we feel when we look our best. Take showers. Wash your clothes. Get your hair cut. Exercise and eat well. Fries with cheese are an option but  not the only one.IMG_2762
* The early bird may catch the worm, but who wants worms anyway? Get a good night’s sleep, be well rested, I’m sure there will be a worm or two left if you really have your heart set on worms.
* You can have your cake and eat it too. In fact, if you let me know when you’re coming, I’ll even bake it for you. And I hear there are some amazing cupcakerys in Austin that I would be more than willing to make a trip up for.
* The glass is not always half full. But you can always fill it.
* The ends do not always justify the means. That’s an excuse, not a way of life.
*Good things may well come to those who wait. They also come to those who go out and work for them. So put in the work. Lots of it.FullSizeRender
* Ultimately there’s no such thing as getting off on the wrong foot. The point is to get moving. If you have to change direction, put on your blinker, make a u-turn, step on the gas and go.
* Love is not blind. You’ll see.
* Sometimes you do have to sweat the details, it’s called being prepared.
* Time does not heal all wounds. Some will stay with you. Forever. Be careful who you give your heart to and try not to be the cause of other peoples wounds.
* Where there’s smoke there’s not always fire. Sometimes there’s just smoke. Don’t assume anything. Always take time to assess the situation. All of them.IMG_0403
* It’s not always the quality, sometimes it’s the quantity. Fill your life with close friends and family, but leave room for acquaintances, friends of friends and the guy next door.
* It’s not just how you play the game. Sometimes winning does matter. Play to win.
* Whether or not absence makes the heart grow fonder is immaterial; call your mom. This one’s never going to change, may as well just go with it.
* And when you fall in love and marry and have kids of your own . . .
. . . don’t blink. Before you know it, you will be sending your own child off to college..
That’s it! Love you to the moon and back! Always have. Always will.
#gottalovecliches  #hookem  #UT121 #pinkumbrellas

9 thoughts on “Words of Wisdom for my College Freshman Daughter

  1. Wonderful words from a mom! It gave me a smile on every bullet item…okay several are hilarious! You have a beautiful daughter and with her mom’s love, I believe she will be as successful as she intends to be!


    1. Very much appreciated! Lord knows I tried! My boys wore me out so she had it easy! So far, so good but i’m keeping my fingers crossed! 🙂


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